National Postal Professional Nurses

Welcome to our New Website!

Posted over 7 years ago by Nursing Network Admin

Welcome! We have been working hard to improve our website for chapter members that better connects us as a group, as well as with members of the nursing community.
We look forward to an exciting year and welcome your thoughts, feedback, and ideas!
Please explore our website and be sure to 'Follow Us' to receive up-to-date information on Upcoming Events, volunteer opportunities, and social gatherings!
If you are not currently a member, check out our Membership Section to learn more!
Thanks for visiting!


Suzanne Deweese over 7 years ago

Dear Membership and Potential Members:
Happy New Year to all of you. This new year is going to be fantastic for the USPS nurses.
It's a New Year 2017 which is no surprise I know but the NPPN/APWU Executive Board has a lot of work to do this coming year. The first order of business is having our accountant calculate and send out the 1099's to the 3 officers for taxes. The next big project is to schedule a Labor-Management Meeting at headquarters to discuss many issues concerning our current job description. I've been informed that our job description isn't being followed and management is taking jobs that the USPS Nurses should be performing. This is unacceptable and I consider it union busting. I'll keep you all informed as to what I accomplish. I'm requesting for all of you who have joined this website to go to the comments section and let me know what work you are performing in your districts.
In March the LM-3 report is due and per federal law has to be sent to the Labor Department.
Also in March is nominations for elections. Annu Rajan NPPN Sec/Trea and myself are retired. I plan on possibly running again but I'm not sure for which office. I'm not sure about Annu Rajan. Please consider stepping up and run for office. It's so important that we have nursing officers. Why? Our contract expires August 2017 and who better than nurses to negotiate a new contract along side the APWU Representative Steve Brooks.
In closing I hope to see many comments.
In Solidarity
Suzanne DeWeese RN
NPPN/APWU President6

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